I’ve received a letter in the mail about having entered a Park / Lake Access without an annual membership or daily permit. What’s next?
› “First Notice”
- Option 1: Buy an annual membership: Your purchase of Parks or Lake Access annual membership(s) clears outstanding Parks or Lake Access entrance fees and covers Parks or Lake Access visits for the rest of this calendar year. Best deal!
- Option 2: Purchase a daily permit for each date that Parks and / or Lake Access was used without a permit or membership.
- If you believe you've received notice(s) in error, email us at ParksInfo@WaukeshaCounty.gov.
» “Final Notice”
- Buy an annual membership: Your purchase of Parks or Lake Access annual membership(s) clears outstanding Parks or Lake Access entrance fees and covers Parks or Lake Access visits for the rest of this calendar year. Best deal!
Get started: www.WaukeshaCounty.gov/PayMyNotice
If you believe you've received notice(s) in error, email us at ParksInfo@WaukeshaCounty.gov. Thank you for including your license plate info and preferred contact info.
I've received a “first notice” and took care of it. But I've now received a “final notice" for the same visit(s).
Email a brief description of the issue to us at ParksInfo@WaukeshaCounty.gov. Important: Include your receipt number, license plate info, and preferred contact info.
I've signed in to my account to take care of a "notice." Why don't I see a balance due awaiting me in my account?
Your account won’t show an amount due; refer to your notice letter for outstanding fees and payment options (more info).
I've updated my license plate, but I've now received a notice for my old license plate.
Email your current and old license plate info and a brief description of the issue to us at ParksInfo@WaukeshaCounty.gov. You'll hear back from us within three business days.
I have an annual sticker on my windshield, but I've received a notice saying I didn't pay.
No “annual sticker” is currently in use by Waukesha County Parks, so your windshield sticker is likely a Wisconsin State Parks sticker.
Only a Waukesha County Parks annual membership or daily permit are valid at Waukesha County parks or lake access.
I only dropped off someone at a park / lake access, but I've received a notice.
You've received a notice because an annual membership or daily permit is required for each vehicle that enters a Waukesha County Parks facility, including drop-offs. Thank you!
I attended an event. I was told that my daily permit was all taken care of.
An event organizer may choose to purchase a daily permit for each guest; if you've received a notice, check directly with your event organizer.
If your event organizer did not choose to purchase a Parks daily permit for each guest, then follow the steps to clear unpaid fees. Thank you!
I've never been to any Waukesha County Parks. Why did I receive a notice in the mail?
Please forgive us for the hassle! Email a brief description of the issue to us at ParksInfo@WaukeshaCounty.gov. Thank you for including your license plate info and preferred contact info.
There's a trio of signs along the entrance of each Park and near the launch area of each Lake Access. Signs state that use of a Waukesha County Park and / or Lake Access requires a daily permit or annual membership for each vehicle. View examples:

Do I need a Parks annual membership or daily permit if I'm camping?
Yes. A camper without a Parks annual membership must purchase a Parks daily permit for each day at the park.
I visited a Lake Access but did not launch boats. Did my Parks annual membership / daily permit cover that?
No. At a Lake Access facility, a Lake Access annual membership or Lake Access daily permit is required for each vehicle.
Likewise, a Lake Access annual membership is not valid for use of Parks. The best product for you may be the Parks + Lake Access Bundle annual membership!
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